Thursday, May 22, 2008

tribal versus postindustrial living

With the exception of work, in this industrialized world we can be pretty picky about who we associate with. We can meet endless people and decide to have nothing to do with the vast majority of them. If we disagree with anything someone does, we can simply avoid them in the future.

We don't have to deal with people. We don't have to work through differences. We certainly don't have to honestly voice our differences. In fact, in this world of such violence it seems it's usually better to not do that.

In this postindustrial world it is nothing at all to just continously drop people with no explanation. There's so many people it is the truly well adapted way to act; just find identical people and to heck with all the rest.

In past history people generally would spend their lives in a small village or tribe surrounded by the same 100 or so people. They had to deal with each other. They often had to learn to get along; to work through their differences.

Now there's no need to get along. If you even think that the intentions behind some action someone did might be something you disagree with, simply have nothing further to do with them with no explanation.

If they don't quickly take the same attitude in return, they're a stalker.

As to work, be as fake and bland as possible.

It's an ugly way of looking at things and it seems to pretty well describe this world.

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