Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Not being an "arrogant elitist" and not wanting revenge go against each other. Either you're constantly brought back to those who've wronged you, those who've acted like demons, or you're able to dismiss them as too pitifully stupid to waste time on. But to do this, to think that those who've wronged you are not your equals but instead pitifully below you, with no potential to see their mistakes, etc, this means being an arrogant elitist. The egalitarian wants revenge, wants to teach people a lesson, exactly because he doesn't believe them beneath him, because he believes that they can learn a lesson and become better. The elitist dismisses such people as forever beneath him, and the idea of "teaching them a lesson" is as absurd as trying to teach a wild animal a lesson.

The egalitarian goes through life constantly returning to past negatives, forever twisted by what's been to done to him. Constantly longing for an ideal world with justice. The elitist is the source of hatred by the rightwing, by the people who don't read, who watch Nascar and professional wrestling, who are intolerant of those who don't follow their religion, who don't actually value intelligence anyway.

The "arrogant elitist" is happier. The way to personal happiness is always by going to the right. The true arrogant elitist is a rightwinger. The egalitarian is on the left of course. The eqalitarian is more likely to want revenge, to hold on to the wrong and want it addressed, want the person to realize their mistake, and make them to not do it again. 'Revenge' isn't really the right word for what anyone ever wants. It's what left as we see, as we know that they'll never ever admit what they've actually done, they'll always refuse to look reality in the face. And if they refuse to quit being a monster, then the world is better without them. To remove them is to make the world a better place. "Revenge" thus is an altruistic act.

The arrogant elitist instead believes that it's hopeless, there's too many monsters. Best to just avoid them.

And the rightwing, the great evil, the ultimate source of all the wrongs, wrongs and then demonizes the left as arrogant elitists, and the left then so wants to avoid being hoity toity, pretentious, arrogant, etc. The left bends over backwards to be equalitarian towards his Nascar watching neighbors. Nobody's too dumb. He refuses to really recognize idiocy because to do so would mean being exactly what the rightwing demonizes him as. And he's trying to make them like him. To reach out to them and show them they're wrong.

So, the idiocy which he refuses to see hurts him. And because he's stuck in believing the idiots are essentially his equals, he's stuck in wanting to teach them a lesson and/or revenge, etc, instead of just dismissing them from his thoughts. And then past wrongs stick for years.

One thing though, the entire idea of arrogant elitism is a pile of bullshit. As opposed to addressing the actual ideas of the left, the right finds red herrings to attack, finds way to demonize.

And so they wrong you, while at the same time making a propaganda point whereby you're stuck with the wrong forever, if you give the propaganda point any weight and believe that you should avoid being an arrogant elitist.

Arrogance is related to being closeminded. But making ever making a decision at all is closeminded.

Everyone is not equal to me. There are people that are simply stupid and worthy of just being dismissed completely from my thoughts. The rightwing 'arrogant elitist' propaganda is an incredibly sick, evil idea. It amounts to the hatred of intelligence. And also mires people in bitterness, unable to truly recognize idiocy.

I term things as absolutes while the correct path is a question of degree. I lack the language to express the proper degree though when talking of generalities. Dividing everything up into leftwing/rightwing... it's not an absolute that the right path is always to the left. In order to stay sane, to have some happiness in this dystopia, one must have some rightwingness. One can't be completely openminded. One can't be a pure egalitarian. One can't really go around always seeking truth, thinking every disagreement can be worked through, and that nothing should ever be held back.

Well whatever. Point just that letting go of past wrongs means recognizing simple idiocy and thus being an "elitist". So for example I had my scientific career destroyed. So many people did so much that was wrong. Endless idiocy.... To really see it for what it is, means raising myself up so high that I feel like a ridiculous caricature of the rightwing's "arrogant elitist" idea.

Someone I knew went on and on about how they were treated badly at a women's refuge. I tried to help this person. I talked about having my career destroyed and how I've tried to deal with it. You'd think with what I've been through they might give some weight to what I had to say? But no. I never even saw any evidence they were even paying attention and actually understood what was done to me.

A year later they're still going on about it. Still seeking revenge for it.

I more strongly attempt to give my thoughts, how I attempted to deal with such things instead of being consumed by the need for revenge. And they abruptly throw some insults my way and suddenly never speak to me again after having been (I thought) a good friend for the past two years.

Well that one's easy compared to what was done to me, again, when my career was destroyed. Although the career being destroyed was just one thing. There is also just the accumulation and the horrid realization that the entire world is an idiocracy. At which point the elitist becomes a hermit, trying hard to be myopic in order to stave off the nihilism, either way death comes whenever.


Enjoying George Martin's Game of Throwns series. Great characters. Very well developed. Worked on a song today that I made up the other night at work. Been practicing the cello hard. Rediscovered blueberry smoothies. Seem to help me sleep. Hoping I'll manage to nap today as I got up at 4AM and leave for work, for a 15 hour day at 5pm.... Pond pretty much finished. Has water lettuce, water hyacinths, a water lilly, the waterfall is more or less finished, 5 gold fish. Love the fish in a pond. Planted another tree. Now thinking to plant some more pampas grass for more privacy at the pond. Hoping to start jogging again. Just a long run once every 4 days (to the extent I can manage that with 15 hour workdays). Had a vacation last week to Canada. Saw Casa Loma. Love castles. The unfinished upper part reminded me of Gormaghast. Everyone should live in such castle. In a sane world we would. Casa Loma was reviled and almost torn down. Which is the proper POV in such an unegalitarian world. Lately just can't see the point in bothering with the creative writing. I should be taking notes from Martin's series. Such excellent characters. At the same time I see him do things that I just can't. Couldn't even come close to managing... And yet still, even if I could, he falls too short to be worth the personal effort. I'm just not a writer I think.