Wednesday, July 23, 2008

To write stories

So I must finish the majority of songs that I start. Even though they may not be all that special. I must finish them, lest failure takes over, and in general just get bored with any given song.

Eventually I hope to write stories and I guess the same idea will have to hold. It will have to hold even more so because otherwise I could just become paralyzed with the endless potential directions I could go in and the understanding that no matter what, I'm doing something less than perfection. But then the problem is that it's a lot worse to write bad stories than it is to write... "bad" music. I can write this so so music and still get enjoyment out of it. It can just be in the background; revisited on rare occasions. The stories have to be somewhat better. They can't be so random; full of nonessential stuff.

With my music it's not true that it's 100% selfish. It's not so black and white. But it is at least 90% just for me. To be 100% just for me would be too depressing. (A world of perfect isolation where creativity really has no value.) With writing it simply has to potentially be a lot more for other people.

It has to be pretty decent quality, yet I have to have the same mindset of finishing the majority of started stories.

So, this here, is something to try to help that; something to stop it from becoming just random and useless. But this has barely begun I think.

So I recorded that song I mentioned in the last post yesterday in about 20 minutes.

From one POV it sounds like crap. It's just straight up me playing the midi notes on a keyboard. Not playing very well. Especially my left hand. But the song sat in my head for 20 years. So what the hell, record the damm thing. Put it somewhere to sit, try to pretend there's magic. I don't feel any at the moment though.

Even played well Kundera would call it kitsch I think. Which is that so bad..? Don't know.