Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Now what was it....? Damm.

Facebook. Briefly a humaniod race evolved to put up with horrible treatment. They just pipe on about insipid shlock incapable of facing negatives. Evolved into a happy slave race.
The first man to experience the "beneficial" mutation of anger. He goes around killing people ensuring anger genes are more likely to get passed on. His victims are bewildered...
The traits we have evolved as opposed to those that would bring utopia...
Small tribes in the forest, which ones survive/pass on their geners?
-mindlessly conformity
-specialization of tasks (men as cold and warrior-like as possible with women balancing them somewhat to stop tribe from disintegrating)
-so many others...

hypersexual of course
Maybe a second more respectable blog soon.
Facebook is like a virtual high school reunion. I have all these friend requests from people I don't remember. I see their insipid chat and think I'd rather not know them anyway. If I accept every friend request I could end up with a hundred people with notifications of all kinds of time consuming stupidity. Hate to seem mean though...

It was just a way to keep in touch a bit better with one friend of 30 years. Beyond that I'm interested to hear what about three people I knew in high school are up to. (Out of class of 1000.) Well maybe 4. Found one and I'm disappointed. He spends way too much time on facebook keeping it meaningless...

"The difference between a fool and a wise man is the wise man learns something from the fool."