Thursday, October 30, 2008

80 minutes in, the fake smile head on.

...well the whole thing really.

He's talking about how we agree to pretend to believe something that we don't actually believe. We believe it on one level but really don't truly believe it. It's a sort of show but for whom? For the chicken? lol. We all know we don't really believe it. Strange how it was clearer in my mind but having trouble writing it down.... try again.

We greet one another with a fake smile. It's understand it's not really real but to an extent we do/can believe in it. Why do we do it though when it's not truly real? Who are we playing for? For the chicken? What was that chicken thing about anyway, lol. Have to review his killer chicken part... So Beria removed from the Russian encyclopedia, hollywood censors, asking how people are, and smiling when you meet a stranger, etc they are all... related. They are all ideology. The agreement to all pretend we believe something we don't really believe......

Hmm, maybe I'm more impressed by how he wiped his nose hundreds of times with no tissue in front of all those people. But definitely lots to think about.