Sunday, January 3, 2010


It would be better if he looked like he meant it. As that is an essential part of what a real idiocracy is about: Everyone feeling forced to pretend an absurd happiness they don't actually feel.

How can there be change when to even appear unhappy to anyone other than your significant other is socially unacceptable? In the real idiocracy it would be revolutionary to appear unhappy. And this fellow's simple "lack of enthusiasm" would cause him to be considered an unemployable dangerous radical.

Some "revolutionary activities"/activism:
-Honestly expressing unhappiness or simply refusing to constantly express fake happiness. Even this is a step in the right direction.
-Buying food grown locally.
-Choosing art that isn't supported by corporate power. If you personally know someone who does art. Look, listen, etc and try to comment, to the extent you're not afraid you'll offend I guess.

'Revolutionary' is a better word than 'activist'. I haven't used 'revolutionary' because I figure the usage of such a word increases the chances I'll eventually get rendered to Sudan. But by feeling intimidated into not using the word, the direction of my own thinking has been influenced. As our words shape our thinking to some extent.