Monday, June 14, 2010

Like that deer hang out in our yard. This one isn't in a very secluded place but 75 yards down to the right there is a very small creek (not sewer water) with a ton of trees/vines, etc for privacy. Lots of deer hang out. Love it. Wonder if most of our mythical creatures come from real world creatures... Which brings up the question of just how old are myths about elves and dwarves anyway?

There is a midget at work, I must say she's pretty grumpy, just like dwarves are usually portrayed in fantasy fiction. If she weren't a midget, I'm not so sure she'd get away with being that grumpy/rude to others.

Wonder if elves are inspired by deer? Or perhaps just types of people? Liberal tree hugger types, and perhaps artistic types and effeminate men, etc? Which leaves rightwingers as ogres, troll, and goblins I guess. Rightwingers generally don't read fantasy fiction. And they lockup their doors tight each night, with plenty of guns, by the bed. Not interested in finding out what might be out there.

Strangely adding one last bottom row of bookshelves really changed the effect. Now it feels like both walls are just a mass of books from floor to ceiling and I look at it and feel so much more sooooothed. This is the effect I had wanted in the first place but until adding this one last row it had seemed to completely fail in giving the effect I was hoping for. Vague though the effect I was hoping for is. Thus at the time I just dismissed it as a stupid, childish thing.

...story sort of "idea". A certain sort of people are working their way through a castle. They have this special weapon which they spike it into a door so that just it's tip is protruding into the next room. Then they pull the trigger and destroy whatever was in that room. They don't even check beforehand to see what they're destroying. They destroy the unknown. The unknown is mysterious and magical... and they have no respect for it at all. They have no interest in the unknown. Minds Closed. Not interested in learning anything else. Or particularly worried about excessive killing. So, there they are, working their way through a massive castle, stretching for miles.

Today I practiced my cello,
wrote 112, which I like, unfortunately my favorite sounding VSTs only do 12TET,
wrote a bit of story,
played Oblivion for an hour,
lifted weights,
watched some movies including rewatching The Last Supper, which I had liked so much before, geez I must have had more aggression in me back then,
and off to read more of George Eliot.