Monday, June 14, 2010

The only way it can be "remembered" in a way that it's right there for you, readily available at all times, and not in the sense of remembering where you have to sit down and think at all really about it, is by having a classification system.

Do all people classify?

How much does the complexity of the classification system matter with regards to then becoming bored?

Does the owner of an intricate system stave off boredom appreciably better than someone who's system is perhaps vastly oversimplifies?

Is the "correct" classification system intricate? Or does everything reduce down into very few categories? Is it a lack to not be able to reduce much? Or is oversimplification the lacking?

To not classify is to more live in the moment.
To be busy remembering the past is also to more live in the moment.
To quickly glance at something, know you've seen it many times before and classify it and ignore it, is to live less in the moment. One does this enough and eventually there is nothing left. Might as well be a worm wiggling through homogenous material which supplies energy.