Sunday, August 3, 2008

The earlier thoughts about anger/hate/belief evil; my eradication of such thoughts; was time well spent. Very well spent.

Was helped by the fact that it's an absolute. I didn't conclude that it was a question of degree; certain situations, to a certain extent. If I had, it probably would have been too complicated for my mind to manage over any long term.


I can't stand the internet. I don't like the coldness. The lack of meaningful connection. It's a pulling back of the curtain. An awful truth.

I want to write a song called, "Put Your Clothes Back On."

On lyrics: I suck at writing them it seems. Which comes right back to keeping a sense of mystery, (IOW not pulling back the curtain, put your clothes back on). In lyrics it seems keeping mystery, being vague somehow is better so often. Which is a gimmick.... Or is it? Could it be just a nice sense of humility? Doubt it. Thinking awfully lately.

Also I'm too polemical.

The lyrics could just straight up be about how ugly the human body actually is with a few faint allusions to it possibly being about something more.

It seems it has to have at least a double meaning... in fact I suppose that is a huge part of what makes music enjoyable. The idea of more than one feeling being expressed simultaneously. If I write a song called Put Your Clothes Back On, what would be the feelings? There could be a sense of hopelessness. That of turning away from truth because actually the truth isn't any good. Nothing can be learned when looking at it. (This is just art here. Not what I truly ultimately think.) But it has to have more than one meaning. Just sounding hopeless won't do it. I could try to mimic the happiness of the exact opposite; some usual love song/making love. I could make it sound like entering a new period in life of great happiness, where we've agreed to turn away from the truth. There would have to be a track that was saying, "This is horrible!"

What are songs that come to mind? Christian Death's Romeo's Distress.

It was a feeling of being hurried to the point of frantic and finally having a pay off in the end. Finally reaching happiness for your trouble. I want a hurried frantic feeling during which various imperfections of the human body are unfortunately pointed out. Then finally "the pay off" is the solution of turning away.

So the beginning would be hurried and in a major key but dissonant. At the point the solutin is reached, the song will start slowing down. Possible switch to a minor key, (is that possible?) and become consonant. This part will be happy and lovey while also something saying, "this is horrible!" and a feeling of hopelessness in the background. (But not too polemical, perhaps a little something that was earlier suggesting to keep up hope that now is expressing reservations...)

Just an experiment that won't work well; an example of trying to write more symbolically than I usually manage. So start off aspiring to lovey happy. Something in a major key that is kind of hurried and keeps falling into dissonance. Then the solution which gives consonance while falling into a minor key? Perhaps slowing way down (into giving up, death?)


The problem with writing symbolically is that it's such a failure in the sense of understanding how short I fall. Knowing how much I have to default to "duh, it sounds good." But just doing that from the beginning turns creativity into something a tad too random. This being "symbolic" at least puts on a cloak of meaning (over the truth); at least makes it appear as not pointlessly random.

This blog ruins mystery that's for sure.

It's hard to like the music of someone I think is stupid and harmful. There's a few people out there I wish I hadn't of gotten to know a bit. Doing so really ruined their music for me....

So I'll try to write such a song. Fall far short probably. But without a doubt I'll still manage to write a "song".

Silliness, silliness, silliness...