As to getting feedback/comments about creative endeavors, one knows that the artist probably wants comments but one usually has no clue what kind of comments the person might want, and what comments they might take offense at.
It seems most people only want to hear that you love it, otherwise, shut up. Only some very few really do want constructive feedback.
But you never know which is which. (well you virtually never know as almost never do people bother saying what kind of feedback they're looking for, probably because they figure they'll be very lucky to get any feedback, better not sound all picky...) And even those who say they want constructive feedback may actually only want feedback on a few things, and for everything else, they still don't actually want to hear negatives.
Giving feedback is always a tricky thing. If you keep it real, you're going to get people angry with you, who in response to you bothering to take the time and really listen, are just going to basically tell you to piss off.
And actually, do you really need feedback? Do you not already know yourself what you like and dislike in that medium?
If you determinedly, in an attempt to respect creativity and the efforts of your fellow humans, try to continue giving people comments, you end up reduced to some bland comments that '(you) like it', or perhaps hazarding some little technical comment. Because after a while if you attempt to give anything more honest and interesting, the absurd ugly responses you'll get will drive you nuts.
And most people don't have any interesting insights into whatever artistic medium you're working in anyway and their comments would consist of: I like it because it's got a nice beat and you can dance to it. (the phrase idiotically repeated endlessly on that Dick Clarke show.)
And most people will not even listen. They won't even listen and one is left wondering how they can value creativity so little? What is it exactly that makes them act so?
Is it:
Some kind of corporate magic spell that makes them somehow unable to listen to unsigned music?
They don't want to get caught up in how problematic giving feedback is?
They figure it probably sucks or you'd be famous? And so completely don't give a shit about you that they'll not chance wasting even a few seconds of their time on you?
I almost never comment on the art of others anymore online. In part because I'm afraid that by attempting to be altruistic and say something worthwhile I'll just run into someone who'll get offended and then respond like a dick.
Still, anyone I personally know who does creative stuff, I've always been interested in hearing/seeing it. Always. Even the christian rock guy I used to work with. And in return no one else gives a shit to listen at all. (Including the typically intolerant what-would-jesus-not-do?-christian rock guy at work.) Not even to listen once to determine that they don't like it.
Again I ask: why?
Are they under some kind of spell? Why is it they're only capable of listening to corporate music?
Do they really have absolutely no respect for me and/or no respect for creativity?
Perhaps once they listen they'd feel as if they might have to say something and don't want to have to go down that problematic road?
With respect to the comments on soundclick we see how fucked the human species is. Site after site I see beautiful music sitting there for years with no comments at all. (Except people advertising their own music in the comments section of other people's sites.)
And then.
AND THEN. I have to go and be different and comment. And.... never has anyone given enough of a shit to comment in return. Never, never, never.
Never once was my altruism returned at all.
Certainly I did not expect that the people I commented to were obliged to comment in return. But eventually I started noticing that no one ever returned the sort of common decency to me that I try to give to everyone.
The same as in most other things in my life.
To be more moral then everyone around you is to become old and bitter and/or full of rage and/or desperately unhappy, etc.