Thursday, February 18, 2010

101 is not very original. A short piano piece in just intonation. In c major. I had Joanna run through a number of other tunings while I had to say what she was in. Like going from 12TET to supposedly Bach's well temperament but I don't trust HG piano. According to this:
the only different note was b. But I was able to tell TET from whatever WT HG piano was using. The problem is that I could tell HG just intonation from an imported (identical) just intonation scala file. The bigger problem is that in c major the differences in all these things are minimized.

Unfortunately I can't say that JI matters at all here. This song is so totally lacking in dissonance such that the steady dissonance of 12TET maybe helps it.

100 is divided by 3, 4 and 5. It really doesn't sound good. The best part is the lack of a fade for the sudden jump to 99.

99 is divided by 6 the same as 91 and they have the same flavor... although I ended up sticking one of the same instruments in... Yet, just messing around I stuck that scale on 101 and it also had the same flavor. A sort of mystical feel. I like it.

98 and 95 are divided by 7. In a way both highly dissonant and yet I like them both. Especially 98. HG piano doesn't sound very good in 95. Seems like any note works. Which makes for very easy song writing. And also makes it easy to stick a ton of tracks together.

97 is divided by 10. I love it. Maybe because it's similar to a 12TET minor scale? 6/5, 7/5, etc minor thirds... Need to try it again.

96 is divided by 9 and the majority of notes will just sound horribly out of tune. So few notes are left that it's bland.

94 is divided by 8 and maybe is just an awful song. Have to try again.

I like 6, 7 and 10 more than 12TET. Well temperament, just intonation, pythagorean, etc, meh, slight enough adjustments that even with being able to generally correctly guess what something is, it's difficult to say how much I really care. I think it may be hitting my subconscious though. Finally my ears change from day to day. One day the difference is huge and such a breath of fresh air. Other days, who cares? Like the episode of red dwarf that I was told about. It does amount to that unfortunately. But it's better than any alternative I'm aware of.