Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I voted for Mollohan and tried to imagine how in the world anyone could possibly vote for Oliverio. I couldn't imagine how. So I tortured myself with reading the first 240 comments to this article. How scary. Should mentally retarded people be allowed to vote? My hope would at least be that they wouldn't figure out how to.

How do they type?

I might as well ponder the holocaust as read such comments. Because such stupidity as that will sooner or later work it's way back around to exactly that. In my own private life, (if I survive long enough) these stupids will eventually do something horrible to me. (Yet again.)

Need something to sooth me...

And threw together a song:

Realized learning the cello means I can also kind of play the guitar. Also a live trumpet sounds great with distortion.

Oi vey, oi vey.

A young naive Kundera making the mistake of doing an interview.

The language doesn't even matter.

My god what a smart fellow Vance was (is). aaahhhh. Contradiction though he seems to be making. To stupidity is pain and suffering. Move away from it.

What a wonderful thing to HEAR an intelligent voice.

Never listened to any of these men speak before right now for exactly the sort of reason Vance talks of.

...I first read basically everything by Vance and gave it 5 years to digest. And all 13 books of Kundera's with a year to digest. Hate seeing a picture of the author on the back of a book. Used to tape a piece of paper over it while making sure to not see it. Same idea with hearing their voice.


I want exacly that. To plant bamboo in the yard. (Wife won't let me. "It'll grow out of control!!!") And to build another pond. I do imagine the fish will some day flop gasping on the empty bottom though.

Look at the man killing weeds with his chemicals... ("It'll grow out of control!!!")

My goldfish were tame. When we sold the house the new owner filled in the pond because he was worried someone would drown in it and sue. Evil, evil, evil man.

Slightly effiminate as opposed to the tough guy attitude throughout his stories.