This is a replica of the Santa Maria. The ship Columbus sailed on to Cuba and surrounding area, where he committed genocide upon beautiful peaceful people in search of gold.
There were 39 people on the Santa Maria.
This is the bathroom. One and Two. They had a brush they all shared called the bitter end that was left to drag in the water in between patrons. They also had water sitting in barrels for over two months. After a while it started to taste funny and they added wine to mask the bad taste. The wine retarded the bacterial, etc growth to an extent. But still I wonder if the runs were common and this got a lot of use.
This is Columbus' cabin. Supposedly shared with 2 or 3 aristocrats to keep an eye on him and probably a couple of serving boys? Only Columbus got a bed? Supposedly Columbus was 6'3" or so. Which would mean he would have had to stoop to walk in here.