Friday, September 10, 2010

What to write about

What to write about?
1. What makes people breakdown.
2. Demonization/suspicion/the inability to accurately assess what are and aren't actual threats.
3. Ugly thoughts that plague a person. Memory.
4. Revenge, the impossibility of it...
5. A world where everyone merely survives, how it crushes an elf.
6. Isolation.
7. A world that doesn't deserve to be saved.
8. All men not being themselves, forever afraid to appear "gay". Making sure to only do mere survival related things. To be less expressive, etc. To be stoic.
9. Afraid to try because of fear of failure.
10. Ways the selfish justify their behavior. The destruction of moral logic. Turn it into white and black. Morality becomes self interest. Morality becomes following post-industrial social norms. Etc.
11. The magical unknown. Animals, etc that don't speak. Fish rarely seen in the water. The dark. The forest full of leaves in the summer. Filling the unknown with infinity/god unconsiously.
12. The illogic of everything. Religionism and atheism. There is nothing actually that is logical. Choose your illogic.
13. The (neanderthal?) looking/searching the world for his kind. Realizing there appear to be none at all. And thus this world truly can't change. This world is actually, exactly how it should be for the people whom live in it. There's not really even a minority that wants it to change. It is hopeless.
14. That which can see more than it's own viewpoint. The androgynous person. The cat that acts like a dog. The athletic intellectual. Etc.
15. The feeling that you were destined for something which has been forever lost. (I was supposed to have been born and lived in the UK for example....)
16. Being worked to death.
17. Mistakenly assuming goodness on the part of others because one can't stand the reality. And/or Lovecraft's correlation (which is much larger, comes back to the necessity of illogic.)
18. Useful info? Useful odds and ends??? Blueberry smoothies help cure insomnia..???
19. Lord of the Flies. The essential nature of mankind...? Killing machines. Only altruistic to the extent small groups can then better kill others...
20. Mass culture being dumbed down. The more connected, the more of a monopoly, the more stupid the art.
21. Idiocracy. Evolving into stupidity. And/or the evolutionary edge. Too much intelligence makes one less likely to successfully reproduce. (Neanderthals were large/muscular, had red hair, larger brain capacities and did cross breed a little before going extinct... Wife says I am one.) Slavery probably should not be mentioned here. But serfdom/brutal capitalism...?
22. Misremembering the past. Panglossing it. Or at least thankfully forgetting it so that you can stand to repeat the same negatives over and over.
23. Panglossing reality. Learning to love capitalism. Or slavery. Or monarchism, etc.
24. The mindlessness/laziness of absolute morality as opposed to utilitarianism.
25. Being too busy barely surviving one's self to show consideration for others.
26. The closeminded. Removing whoever disagrees with you from your life. Post-industrial living. Instead of resolving differences just keep discarding to you find someone who is exactly the same as you. Until a couple years later when you've both changed and are no longer identical. At which point you then discard them and find some new person you're now identical to.
27. Weird ideas about bugs. Their surrealism.
28. Not having a clue about one's own sub/unconscious. Not even understanding what you yourself actually think. The atheist not realizing he's full of mystical thinking which is essential to him/her.
29. The power struggle of relationships. If one person perceives they are superior and the other feels inferior, the one is at ease and the other isn't. If they manage to feel relatively equal, then maybe no problem. If they don't feel equal, the relationship can't work. Either way. If even one feels inferior or superior, the relationship will be an ugly thing.
30. Controlling people through fear and the negative result.
31. The process of laughing
32. The process of falling asleep
33. The connection between falling asleep and laughing
34. psuedo democracy when billionaires own all the radio and TV combined with social isolation.
35. Planned obscelence(sp)
36. Making being off the grid illegal
37. Hard manual labor to stay sane
38. Simplicity is escapist. Simple characters are usually the heart of fantasy fiction.
39. Boredom is the result of a classification system. Dumb people don't get bored. But perhaps people with crude classification systems get bored more easily? Through classifying we don't live in the moment as much.
40. The genesis of mythical creatures
41. The disregarding of the unknown. Not treating it with reverence. Not caring about it. Like the men in the castle who burn the contents of each next room without having any idea what they might by destroying. No interest in learning.
42. Dislike of the assimilated weak. You make dystopia possible. TV show What Would You Do is all about indifference thanks primarily to fear.
43. How sick being close with only a single person is.
44. Prole evolution. Mere survival evolution
45. The heart of racism: being bad at accurately assessing threats. One errs towards suspicion.
46. Giving up on the grand party. Realizing there's nothing out there at all. Ending The Search. All is within or nowhere.
47. The degree of relevance of your dreams correlates to your happiness/mental 'health'.
48. The unknown is magic. Cats not speaking even.
49. In the real world, first time meetings are always very very boring. Must almost always not be realistic in fiction concerning this.
50. Piercing the obscurity of the minute processes of human life
51. escapism versus realism and the lie which brings us closer to the truth...
52. common enemy brings people together
53. Always slightly random but never pointless. (Art)
54. Subconsciously feeling like god is against you. (even as an proclaimed atheist)
55. ...with dying all stress can go away. No longer have to worry so much about the stuff of this world. Don't have to worry about how I'm spending my life. Because it's about done, too late now anyway.
But now, it's no longer too late. And this was a poorly spent day.
56. The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." Lovecraft
57. Can't be bothered to find the paper I wrote on... But when this life is no longer the grand stage, when this life is not The Place and instead just some time killed at the airport, when this life isn't The Life. When there really isn't any Grand Party that is being missed, when nothing Really Matters.... then death isn't so particularly bad. And then one is more able to enjoy time spent enjoying simple things. And one doesn't have such a Hypertrophied Soul...
58. The necessity of myopia for sanity/happiness.
59. Appearing intelligent (elegance) and purposely being incomprehensible in the university setting.
60. ...There is no point in trying to revenge oneself. "Everything will be forgotten. There will never be any redress for anything."
61. Whenever LudvĂ­k finds himself in a group of people, he always wonders how many of them would be willing to send their fellow mortals to death, only because the collective has demanded this....
62. ...Kitsch is a beautiful lie, which hides all the negative aspects of life and deliberately ignores the existence of death....
63. The immorality of happiness in dystopia
64. The necessity of the word 'love' being so vague.
65. Memory, not endlessly repeating the same negative actions thanks to it. But being stuck endlessly remembering past negative actions thanks to it....
66. One reason to be closeminded: "You're nothing but a superficial shell. A husk of foozy(?) consciousness ready to be torn off at a moment's notice."
67. "hypertrophied souls" The need to do something special. Unable to lie back in the grass and happily watch the clouds go by.
68. Modern isolated society
69. "socialists" whom ensure capitalism by all their social norms. Going on about this or that issue yet isolationist, rugged individuals at heart, etc.
70. The key to happiness is significant, meaningful, lasting relationships.
71. Capitalsm Laws:
a. The majority always working just about as much as they can stand.
b. Middle Management(the overseers) can't be very smart. (Usually).
c. Short of technological innovation taking people "off the grid" it's highly unlikely to really bring people any more happiness. (Excepting some medical innovations.)
d. It's a system where the losers starve. It's fear based.
73. To speak the truth when it will do no good? (utilitarism vs. the deontological brave (lazy and self centered) martyr)
74. Demonization
75. Fake smiles-not a threat,considerate enough to keep it light and fluffy,
76. Humans as marionette's, every action just an act, social norms actor, everything is a lie. Your entire existence.
77. Light and fluffy/fake smile evolution taken to the concentration camp.
78. Creating malevolent god for whom you survive just to spite. (My god, such dark thoughts...)
79. To be an angel amoungst demons. Analogy to demonstrate the absurdity.
80. Analogies in general to show the absurdity of capitalism, meat-eating, etc.
81. No amount of philosophy can replace human interactions....?
82. How awful it is to remember how awful the past was. Please misremember and pangloss it and have some nostalgia for a life that never was....
83. slow suicide through junk food, etc.
84. Subconsciously hoping for death.
85. chop chop, tick tock (pain, boredom) (fear, nihilism)
86. The strange sickness of music performed for a massive audience. All those people just standing around or "dancing" as they sometimes call it.
87. Does that which doesn't kill us make us stronger?
88. Cutting off the meaningless, the lies, such that there's nothing left but to sit at home alone.
89. Panglossianism
90. all novels are decadent. Short stories padded.
91. The real escape of escapist fiction is to simplistic 2D people.
92. exaggerated dystopia where people never speak to one another face to face
93. The necessity of mysticism to bother creating art.
94. Not actually allowed to help in this dystopia. Monogamy / extreme homophobia/fear of anything that might be remotely perceived as "gay" / rugged individualist, etc.
95. The need for "prvacy" (secrecy) in dystopia. Don't ask how much money someone makes for example. In utopia we'd know one another's situation in order to know when and how to help each other. In dystopia "privacy" is extreme importance.
96. So much harder for the intelligent, educated man to survive slavery, serfdom, unregulated capitalism, etc. (Fredrik Douglas) "I have found that, to make a contented slave, it is necessary to make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate the power of reason."
97. Technology as a tool of isolation.
98. Spread nasty rumors/ugly gossip why? Because having a mutual enemy will make us closer friends. And when you're not here and the person we're currently bad mouthing is, we'll do the same to you so our own relationship will be strengthened.
99. The evolutionary edge: Smart but not too smart. Too much and you see what this world is... what your life is...
100. The social norms mean lying. The standard greeting for example means pretending people are part of a community that doesn't actually exist, etc. Pretending to care about people whom if they didn't show up at work tomorrow we'd simply never see them again and hardly even reflect on it. They ask how you are, pretending they actually care and you have to lie and say you're fine no matter what, because of course if you're not actually fine, so what? What are they going to do about it? Nothing. So they lie and you have to lie back. And the pretending helps keep a situation that would otherwise be intolerable, tolerable.
These constant strangers asking how I am, I want to respond: I'm not a part of a community with you. You're a total stranger to me who couldn't possibly care less how I'm doing. Quit pretending we're a part of community. There is no community. There is no connection at all.
101. Self persecution/self doubt (same thing actually) Kakfa's The Trial.
102. Everyone is smiling in the dystopia. The frowners are malcontents. Radicals. Revolutionaries. Not good yesmen. Not to be trusted with jobs.
103. Functional forgiving versus dsyfunctional forgiving is understanding versus forgetting.
104. Imaginary eyes
105. Wind the fear spring and watch them go.
106. The imagination to imagine what could be juxtaposed with what is....
107. The positivity cult:
You could join a social movement working to create an adequate safety net or to bring about more humane corporate policies, but those efforts might take a lifetime. For now, you can only change your perception of reality, from negative and bitter to positive and accepting. This was the corporate world's great gift to it's laid-ff employees and the overworked survivors--positive thinking.
108. Almost random creativity. Almost random oracles. Almost random.
109. The bad humor of saints. Treating people badly is unexpected.
110. Politics: Left-thinking the best of most people. Right-thinking the worst.
111. Happy people, those not consumed by fear/suspicion, those not busy trying to just survive themselves, are the ones finally in a position to be something other than indifferent towards others. Although OTOH people with lifelong cushy lives maybe don't have as much empathy for other's hardships.
112. Public Service Nightmares.
113. Short term: positivity cult, just believe this is the best of all possible worlds. Long term: see it for what it is, delve into that which is wrong.
114. The highly "moral" are zombiefied.
115. "Stalking" is (sometimes) related to the anti-post-industrial mindset. The return to people living in real communities where you don't just abruptly drop connections without adequate explanation.
116. Hide disagreements because you assume everyone's as closeminded as yourself. Hide disagreements because you assume ugly things (potential violence, etc) from those who disagree. Hide disagreements because you're not idealistic, you don't believe people can work together.
117. Believing in evil is necessary to get angry, which was evolutionarily beneficial because it helped one in committing violence. But is there anyone really evil? Or is it all really stupidity? How does the genius avoid being consumed by hate? While at the same time avoiding being considered an arrogant elitist?
118. OJ for back pain. Blueberry smoothies for sleep.
119. The idealist. The one who refuses to embrace the reality of this world, is partially not even here.
120. Post industrial living is more stressful? So many people with power over you to miscommunicate with while the majority are always getting pushed about as hard as they can stand as opposed to growing crops where you do what you can and either nature cooperates or doesn't. Then add in fewer meaningful long lasting relationships. Instead home alone watching TV. Less time outside and so on.
121. The man who questions everything appears unsure and nervous. The confident man mindlessly mimics others. Mindlessly follows tradition. The freethinker, to the extent he's really questioning, is in for hell. The traditionalist is completely unethical. To mindlessly follow tradition in this here world means to be without morals.
122. it is only possible to be an angel in a dystopia if you are a monster.
123. The prizing of the cubicle job and lack of esteem for those who do actually useful work.
124. The flaming hoop system. Learning and doing tons and tons of useless things basically just in order to have the proper credentials whereby you'll someday be allowed to hold a real job. Where you'll be worked about as much as you can stand. This system because under capitalism everyone will always be working as much as they can stand. And as technology increasingly does our work, we pointlessly stay in school for longer and longer.
125. The power hungry surrounding themselves with yesmen. Not even consciously. And those around the power hungry automatically becoming yesmen, even if maybe that's not really what the power hungry wanted. Which in turn makes the power hungry even more bereft of any self doubt, even more... wrong.
126. Utopia for the unethical. Dystopia for the highly ethical.
127. The mass production of art results in a sickness where the artist's motivation is to be famous. Simultaneously the vast majority of artists don't get adequate recognition. Decreases equality.
128. The will never again be a communist revolution because compared to the past we're now:
A. living in isolation. All sense of community is gone thanks to cars, TV and the internet.
B. at a nuch higher level of technology meaning better communication, better weapons, better systems for keeping tabs onteh citizens. Thus the power divide is far greater.
C. The military is extreme rightwing anymore. A revolution will almost certainly bring in a rightdictator and/or theocracy now.
D. The mass media now controls the thoughts of the people so, so, so much better. Communism has been successfully demonized where once it wasn't.
129. Show the usual panglossian adaptations people make applied to a far worse dystopia.
130. Unethical because you value the materialistic too much. The unzombie. Unethical because you just don't have much of an over-I.
131. Morality is:
some degree of altruism.
Altruism is:
self interst with some degree of long term forethought.
132. Someone said the internet isn't real. Well, in face to face interactions no one is real either. The internet was hopefully a way to uncover the parts hidden in the endless banal and pointless face to face interactions where people are doing nothing more than having ritualistic conversations the goals of which are highly crude. Not much more than sniffing each other's ass. The smile to say I'm not a threat, etc.

In face to face interactions you get 10% of the truth. On the internet the hope is that some part of the other 90% will peek through.

That's been my hope anyway.

And it certainly has peeked through at times.

And what has mostly peeked through is incredibly ugly.
But still what we have in online interactions amounts to about 3% of the truth as opposed to 10% generally speaking in face to face
133. As opposed to the butterfly effect, if you went back and changed the past, it wouldn't make a difference, eventually things would end up the same.
134. To make a good story, do the opposite of this blog. Withhold in order to keep people reading. Tease. Withhold justice. Withhold to keep mystery.
135. Hate is a reaction to the perception of indifference. Excepting misperceptions, indifference is the beginning.
136. The less relevant your dreams to your life, the more messed up you are.
137. exaggeratedly masochistic experiments
138. masochistic honesty
139. Some great and fabulous prize looms off in the distance in his mind and he seeks the truth and tries to draw others on along on the journey with him. Honest! Honest! Screaming it with your dying breath, again and again.

Wait. What are you doing? This is strange behavior on your part. This is a bit unreal. And causing negative results...

Still onwards! Reality twists and you journey on and on and on. Here and there coming to close to the edge.

Rarely: an oasis of healing. A moment of clarity. And rest.

Then, again, the ideal looms above. Shining, beautiful, awful, glorious. Onwards and onwards he strives towards it.
140. force vs reason
shame and anger and cuss words, etc are all on the side of force...?...
141. In the Force World being wrong means getting punished, thus people become closeminded. (Or not.)
142. The necessity of forgetting.
143. Imaginary eyes. The four kinds.
144. Specialization. Cold, stoic, unemotional men are good warriors. Women need to better communicate, need to be more alive. The more specialized the people, the more barbaric.
145. Kundera: Life is horrible. Even much worse than you think. So give up and enjoy this sunset. Possibly a good looking lady, provided you stay within social norms.
146. Bad Words: Inappropriate. (Just means not mindlessly following tradition.)
Privacy. No different than secrecy, except it's ok while secrecy not so much.
flip flopper/waffler (celebration of closemindedness)
preachy (saying things I disagree with)
emotional blackmail (pointing out I'm acting unethical when I want you to shut up about enjoy your shit sandwich)
stalker (most 'stalkers' have been wronged and aren't so good at throwing away their morals such as this post industrial society says they must.)
manipulative (similar to emotional blackmail at times)
nutters/nut/crazy, etc (anyone who you don't understand, anyone who isn't mindlessly following tradition, anyone who isn't just like you, anyone unhappy in dystopia)(also insensitive to those who are genuinely mentally ill)
147. Short term vs long term thinking

Incredibly useful to go back and remember by various bits of unhappiness. Perhaps useful for doing the future different.

Blueberries and something green everyday for good sleep.

July 21st, 2009