Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got wireless internet and my $200 ancient used laptop hooked up to it. I downloaded Reaper and Helix on it for the heck of it... It can handle about 4, maybe 5 tracks maximum of helix with no FX. So between 1/10 and 1/15th as good as my desktop.

But 4 tracks is plenty to get the important stuff....

What is it called when you can't remember the answer to something but as soon as you ask someone else the answer... as they open their mouth to reply but haven't yet, you remember the answer. Once would be a coincidence but I've noticed myself doing this for many, many years. Would be great to think of it as a low grade telepathy. But probably not. Probably my way of thinking about it changes in some fundamental way as they start to answer... I've tried then, to just pretend I'm asking someone, but that never worked.

It always seemed strange...

And I suppose I'm compiling all these out there thoughts here. This one falls more in the direction of being even more useless than usual. I have a ton more... But as they go further in this direction I may not bother. That wasn't the goal. Well there was never particularly a goal.