Thursday, May 28, 2009

Don't know how they manage it. I've been going on a two hour run once a week and lately I've been really getting a headache afterwards. I wonder if I'm getting hypokalemic and/or hyponatremic. I've been pushing it too hard these last three weeks though. I was thinking maybe I need electrolyte pills. Have been drinking just a little gatorade. They run 24 to 72 hours just on corn?

I think I've still improved every run but I've got to make some adjustments. Not enjoying it now. Need to slow down. Somehow not get headaches. Just getting monotonous now.

...this has been a week off and it's such an unusual thing that I hardly know what to do... (I should mainly study, chop chop). Tuesday after my run I went to coworkers house with my wife and met 8 or so other people from work. I wasn't feeling so great after the run. It was fun when finally this one lady showed up from work who's highly intelligent. I rarely see her at work but I really enjoy her company. When we left my wife immediately commented on how much she liked her. My wife and I seem so different but somehow we're very similar. She, my wife, this one also (bluntly put) more intelligent nurse and I watched a rerun of the national spelling bee and tried to figure out the words based on their language roots, etc and somehow had a much funner and more interesting time then the other half of the party which went off and discussed boring crap.

That other intelligent coworker... she's the one I wish would be my trainer, the nurse I probably like best of the 50 or so I work with, she just happens to be my younger sister's best friend. My younger (half) sister is then another person I seemingly have nothing at all in common with but apparently have something essential in common with.

Then Wednesday out with S. Maybe still a bit bleh from the run. My wife at first didn't like S. The way she scowls. Wonderful picture of her scowling on facebook. I love it. Now my wife admits that she's wonderful. I am a pretty good judge of character. My wife thinks I'm not because even when I'm pretty sure a person's not so good I still give them a chance just on that ever so slight chance I'll be wrong.

Was proven very wrong about someone this last week or so. But out of compassion for them I tried to be very nice to them. Repeatedly. Bit comical how they blew me off. I feel sorry for them still and hardly mind the lies and indifference I got for my trouble.