Saturday, May 9, 2009

This idea of cultivating an imaginary muse/imaginary eyes. I wonder if the very concept of being sentient (being self aware) means having imaginary eyes. To be self aware there must be a something that is aware of a something. The one is you, the other is the imaginary eyes.

These eyes can be a very conscious thing that we pretend is a lover, friend, etc. Or among other things they can just be ourselves watching ourselves. In the latter it can be a very subconscious/unconscious process.

I wonder if this all can go too far and become schizophrenia. The imaginary eyes are really just us. The person with schizophrenic tendencies could start thinking it's actually someone else.

You can have a pretend conversation with yourself, with your imaginary eyes. But what if the imaginary you gets out of control. Starts acting on it's own. Or at least seems to be doing so. Then like one person who's got a couple of songs I really like and are linked to from this blog, your computer starts talking to you and you jump out the window.