Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Slow muscle up
one arm chinup
iron cross
break upper door frame
#3 gripper
bend something in half

Once again a bit of not sleeping so good. Here and there have periods where my sleep is too short and too light. Seems definitely related to night shift. When I attempted a one arm chinup everyday I certainly slept like a rock. But trying it everyday was too much. Started feeling like just passing out all the time. Was also starting to get weaker. Wonder if it was hurting my heart also. But, must sleep a bit better than I've been managing recently.

So much goes wrong without proper sleep. So many things. Noticed lose ability to appreciate music. Not that that's maybe so high on list.

So not every day then but shall two or three times a week.

...I think just feeling physically not as well makes me fearful/tense. I can see how people get drug addictions in this way. One constantly doesn't feel well and thus is constantly fearful/tense. This is a constant anxiety that ends up wearing them down mentally off into the direction of 'panic attacks', etc. One increasingly, in desperation, turns to various drugs for even a day of relief, something to let loose the relief valve just to survive another week at work. Depending on the extent to which they don't recognize the danger of the drug, they start taking more and more.

...there is additionally something of the fantastic about attempting extreme feats of strength. It is a sort of fantastic dream which means a sort of hope, the attempt to aspire to something remarkable. Silly though it is and really just to exhaust nervous system enough to overcome insomnia.