Sunday, March 28, 2010

What are good uses of the internet?

1. wikipedia is better than a encyclopedia.
2. can store music in case house burns down
3. could be used for people with common interests to find each other and come together. But this is hardly happening. Trying to use it for this purpose is like endlessly surfing 300 channels of crap for something worth watching. The time wasted isn't worth what little one finds... I've found one worthwhile person online in a decade. Of that I'm very glad. But, I'm not going to spend another decade in order to find a second. Just the time wasted would be bad enough, not to mention the ugly memories, the knowledge of the existence of so many crappy people.
4. Free software/cheap software. VSTs, Reaper, etc.
5. Getting news of the world through a medium not completely owned by billionaires.

There is a lot though which is a waste, a time waster at best, and often worse. The thing it could be used for, is just not happening, I keep expecting it to change. It's not. Maybe someday society will change. But for now best just to turn away from some things.

Thinking of deleting self from facebook. What worthwhile thing has occurred there? I've got in contact with people I knew in the past. Which confirmed how utterly hopeless they were/how bad my situation had been. That was worthwhile to know, to confirm, as I had forgotten. I had turned it into largely being my own fault, when it wasn't actually.

Now though, just thinking of Douglas Adams immortal character who's goal is to personally insult every person in the universe. Comically was thinking of using facebook for that. Would be sort of nice to just send an insult randomly day by day to crap people I haven't seen in 10, 15, 20 years.

I think that's the only useful thing left for facebook. So off to delete self now. As a statement. Not that anyone cares. But also because it's just wrong. The way it's used. The way people interact. The time wasted.

The internet has primarily been used to increase people's isolation, not their knowledge. It is best to avoid using it to communicate/interact with people. Any exceptions must be very very carefully considered. Like using email to find a cello teacher for example. Or occasionally some short email to someone I communicate primarily by phone with. Or to mail pictures or short stories, etc.