Sunday, August 22, 2010

Never heard it before. Sounds good. So much doom and gloom about Barrett yet he lived to 60 and spent his time gardening, puttering about, living off royalties. Getting fat off pork chops even. Looks like he had a charmed life.

Roger Waters though is sad. Those epic dark albums that he was primarily responsible for. Nothing else in history compares actually. Yet it seems nobody can stand his guts. How does one make so much good art over so many years with people who hate your guts?

I can't decide who's really at fault though. Did Water's unfairly demonize all these people around him or was he just truly surrounded by shit?

Sarcastic rage. Imagine someone like the lead 'singer' growing up in a conservative household, getting beaten on a daily basis, constantly getting lectures about how they need discipline, feeling that they're being forced, being coerced, being controlled through fear, to act in a manner that has absolutely nothing to do with who they actually are.