Saturday, February 7, 2009

I want to write of The Absurd and perhaps absurdities scattered throughout our way of life in general, of utopia and the faults within our social systems and our DNA.

Referring to the previous post this Artaud fellow sounds... I want to use the word absurd (language isn't sophisticated enough or I'm not) but it is a different thing than what I just referred to above so I'll say ridiculous. Similarly Spurious and myself and for that matter Kafka in his blog. All seemingly ridiculous. But the thing is they're all setting their sights very high.


Every night we sleep and forget, we are then reborn anew. To the extent we sleep like crap this process doesn't correctly take place. Not only do we physically then feel like crud, not only are we mentally tired, but we haven't forgotten.

In one sense not forgetting can mean seeing The Truth a little bit too clearly. In another it means stuck in seeing things the same way. Because we haven't forgotten we aren't so able to approach the problem from another direction, thus we might only spin our wheels.

Through insomnia we can feel like shit and thus we are spurred to creativity. Through pain (not too much though or the wrong kind...) we are spurred to find a change, we are spurred to creativity.

But really insomnia is a lousy way to go about it; as our minds are weakened. We may have forgotten with good sleep but our minds just work better with good sleep.

I've had insomnia a good bit of my life. I would like to defeat it once and for all. Going to start taking Tylenol PM more often. Was just taking it maybe twice a month. Supposedly it's no big deal to take it every night. I won't quite go that far but i shall start taking it much more often. Also will do a few other things. Blueberry smoothies used to put me to sleep...

Had a serious withdrawal from sleeping pills 18 years ago and have very seriously wanted to make sure that never happened again. Tylenol PM though is just some acetaminophen and dipenhydramine.

I'm curious what role inflammation can play in insomnia and histamine. Supposedly the sedative effect of dipenhydramine has nothing to do with it being an antihistamine. Not convinced. It has seemed that taking a massive load of antioxidants has helped me sleep in the past...