Thursday, February 5, 2009

In part I was so dismissive of Freud when younger because I thought analyzing dreams was dumb. For me at least when I was younger they were almost nothing but junk. Just random junk and I was quite sure of it. Now that I'm older that isn't the case. Now they make sense and relate very much to my actual life. When younger I could tell people my dreams and it was just some silly humorous thing. Now, my dreams clearly relate to what I really think and here and there I feel I probably ought to be careful what I say, although usually I'm not anyway.

The vast majority were random junk when younger probably because I was so not normal. I do remember a few neat ones here and there. I still have two dreams songs I wish I could finish recording some day. I remember a reoccuring one (clearly not just random and meaningless) of having a "zit" on my hand and squeezing it and the entire contents on my hand and wrist coming out leaving just a hollow shell. And that I was just a zombie with regards to this development. This caused no reaction, no emotion.

I could control my dreams often and I had a lot of sleep paralysis. I'd usually mistakenly think I had successfully jerked out of the paralysis and was now awake. A few times I then dreamed/imagined going to the bathroom and realized I was still paralyzed in bed after I pissed myself. The imagining in sleep paralysis is far more vivid then in a dream.

I rarely have sleep paralysis anymore although I did just have it two nights ago. I thought I heard someone jiggling the front doorknob. And that has actually happened before (extremely drunk college student at 4AM) not to mention I've watched the empty house across the way get broke in to. So I thought I heard the doorknob jiggling (thinking it maybe the angry guy cattycorner from us who's dog just mauled the ten year old girl's face next door (8 stitches) whom we stole the kitten from before he managed to kill it from neglect) and I tried to wake myself up but was stuck in SP. I rocked myself slightly back and forth and finally jerked out of it.

Now my dreams are usually pretty normal. I could see analyzing them. (Would be easy to do.) Although still plenty probably don't have much meaning and an intelligent and self aware person shouldn't have to rely on dreams to make sense of their thoughts, IMO.