Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My music definition

As to music then, there is where the beats fall. Like on 1, 5, 9, 13. Most simply 2 squared, 4, 8, 16, 32. Not necessarily that simple but something that is predictable. In fact it's best if it becomes something that your unconscious is predicting, not your conscious. That your unconscious starts knowing what's going to happen while at the same time it's complex enough that your conscious can't, becomes a strange sort of thing. Like being magically lucky.

That's not quite right. It's not a matter of whether or not it's your conscious or unconscious doing the predicting. It's a matter of your conscious not getting bored at the same time that your unconscious is doing this predicting. This successful unconscious predicting of the future can be a good feeling in and of itself.

Then there is vibrational frequencies which divide into each other as whole numbers. This goes to thoughts of prime numbers and nonprimes, the understanding of how some numbers belong together. That the vibrational frequency of a sound is also a product of the vibrational frequencies of some other sounds.

And it's not like this is occuring in the conscious mind. The conscious mind can't count out the oscillations per second of each sound. Somehow the unconscious puts it together and understands consonance and dissonance.

Unconsciously predicting the future and recognizing sounds that go together are both math.

Then there's synethesia. Every single sound should (again basically unconsiously) suggest a living creature or some event which occurs in nature, which occurs "naturally." Every single sound should be a symbol for something Real.

Like the basis of language is more or less synethesitic(sp). Where people can guess with 95% accuracy which word means ugly versus beautiful in languages they don't know. We all have synethesia. Just most only have it a little. Daniel Tammet then being an example of a lot. The first 1000 numbers each being symbols of something Real in his mind. Each with personalities, colors, graphs, etc tied to them. I tie graphs to them like an engineer would. Phone numbers are hilly landscapes.

Dogs and cats make themselves quite clear to humans through the noises they make because we share synethesia.

And so it's a sort of pretend natural world but including fantastic creatures that don't necessarily really exist, (and how sad, how pitiful to only listen to guitar, drums, vocals music endlessly) combined with finding order (as opposed to chaos/no meaning/nothing) combined with successfully predicting the future. A fantasy world where you can predict the future and see the how it all makes sense, all fits together. All occurring unconsciously.

And the sounds which represent creatures move in ways that tell us what they're feeling, etc. And the violin says one thing and viola replies with something that is relevant, etc.