Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lot of stupid posts here. But it's not linked anywhere...

Dreams (as in goals, aspirations...) (the size of) are some product of:
1. How long you think you're going to exist.
A. Life expectancy - age
B. Degree of belief in religion/spirituality........magic...
2. Belief in self...?

Harold and Kumar
I find it torturous to watch certain things in movies. In the past dishonesty drove me nuts. Much easier to watch a slasher film than a comedy based on someone going to extreme lengths to pull off some lie (like... Mrs. Doubtfire or that guy in The Fockers (ben stiller, etc, etc.) Drives me nuts.

In Harold and Kumar the scene with the swinger couple with the guy with the boils really was so hard to watch when I saw this movie a year or so ago. Now I'm thinking, "Hmm, hey why not just relax and have some playful fun. It's a nice pretty lady, what the heck. Boil guy runs in. Oh well.... You know. It's too bad this homophobia. It's an awful thing.

The whole damm time he was so nice. Before I was so horrified by this scene, now I'm thinking how sad that they go running out screaming.

The bully types at the convenience store. That sort of thing was torturous in the past. It was strange how it affected me. Now I don't know what happened. I got old? Don't value my life as much? (Yep). Some thing has changed in me. Worn out. Sense (need) of justice isn't as strong as it once was....


Why read Marx, or Plato, or Aristotle, or Kant or even Neitzshe(sp)?

They've all been read so much already. They've been around a long time. Obviously it didn't work. Either the ideas have become a part of the meme(?) by now or it's just pointless stuff/wrong. Marx was right about a lot. Wrong about some things. I've gathered that. I usually call myself some kind of socialist and think it pointless to get any more specific but occasionally I'll say I'm a marxist because it's more hardcore and I want to counter the smearing the left has been subject to.

But to some extent I'm just a dummy; watching football, etc. Off now to look at football crap online. Watching crap TV. Surfing crap online instead of reading. Not being able to absorb what I read at times. Etc. That decade I had where I was incapable of reading because my attention just couldn't didn't help.

I don't have what it takes.

I'm stumble along all the same. I'm might manage eventually if I could ever have adequate free time.

OTOH, I'm so unimpressed by so much ultimately. My vocabulary sucks in part because it's very important to me to keep my vocabulary at a level where the average person can at least still hopefully understand me. And a big part of improving my vocab would be simply starting to use a bunch of words that the average person doesn't understand and then.. I could perhaps better read Kant or whatever. Which I still think is a waste of time.

Zizek OTOH is new and not known by most. So even though he seems to have called vegetarians degenerates (maybe totally out of context), I'll read him.