Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quickly now.... "I think with my gut." That sounds a ridiculous way of putting it. How is it that people put it to make it sound like some kind of good thing? George Bush said it. This lady at work who's scared of Obama said it. Etc. Why do people think it's a good thing?

1. It suggests magic. They think they come to correct decisions this way. Some think it even a better way of making a decision then really sitting down and thinking things through. It feels so nice to decide that it has some merit. But for it to have some merit it is suggesting some unknown force. Magic, etc.

2. It's the easy way out. A way out for stupid people.

The reality is that the only difference between "thinking with your gut"/instinctual thinking and really trying to logically think things through is that the former is thinking that is completely unexamined. Just haphazard crap thinking. That is all. There is nothing magical about it. What it is really is a nice way to make a stupid decision.

If a person says such a thing, be afraid. They of course may still be a relatively decent person, better than average. They may have somehow had it ground into them to treat others with decency. But they're still making all kinds of mistakes. Probably their life is one big mistake. And spend enough time around them, and sooner or later, don't be surprised when they screw you over.