The lawn nazi next door wanted me to cut all this down. He thought he was doing me a favor by starting to cut it down himself. I let him know that actually I really like having it there.
Such bits of foilage actually provide shelter, etc for various species of wildlife. I don't remember what reason I gave to him though. There are some groundhogs in in the area. Also though I like verdancy. Any really. Love weeds. Uncut grass, etc.
OK. It's too cute to not point it out better.
That's an unknown cat. I went outside to take pictures of the two extra cats we feed but didn't see them. Now one is in my kitchen but I can't be bothered to take a picture of him.
An evil 'weed' I've had a few arguments over the years about being made to cut down.
The view while laying in bed and reading a book.
Loki watching the birds. (There's an invisible bird feeder in the window. One in the kitchen and one outside my wife's office room.) I put in all new windows. My father-in-law said he would show me how to fix the inside part of the wall but never did.
Paddington, Loki and Vega.
The street is much steeper than it appears in this picture. Notice the front wheel of the black car at the last house on the right. A lady lived there in the 50's and 60's who wrote a book called 'The Girl from .. Street'. In it she writes about how both of her parents went insane and were institutionalized while she lived there. Also her best friend died while sled riding down the road. Whacked his head off a car.
This is a house at the other end of the street that caught fire a few days ago. The man who lived there is in critical condition at the hospital. His girlfriend was unable to wake him up. She jumped out from the second story window.
Right above the blue car is where the house would have been that caught on fire about 6 weeks ago that was torn down a few days past. One lady died in this fire.
This grass is too short.
This apartment building at the end of the street was just built. Will mostly be filled by college students. Idealistically speaking it should not be a bad thing. But realistically it will be. If nothing else I won't be able to park on the street. More likely they'll be loud at night, etc.