Monday, August 10, 2009


This isn't a new song. I wrote it about a year ago but at the time I was really questioning just what the hell was I doing exactly with this whole writing music thing, much more so than now, although still am. Anyway both liked it then and thought it embarrassingly awful. Listened to it just now and thought it perfect and wonderful.

Look at the big braying fool. He's honest. Laugh at what a bizarre specimen he is. What a masochist. The definition of insanity is repeating the same actions over and over again and expecting a different result. He must be a masochist. He's honest and honest and honest and honest. The same word repeated hundreds of times.

..makes for a wincingly repetitive awful song? Or no. Only slightly repetitive all and all.

Let's start from the beginning. Reality is twisted. It must be. How else to explain this unconformed honesty? Some great and fabulous prize looms off in the distance in his mind and he seeks the truth and tries to draw others on along on the journey with him. Honest! Honest! Screaming it with your dying breath, again and again.

Wait. What are you doing? This is strange behavior on your part. This is a bit unreal. And causing negative results...

Still onwards! Reality twists and you journey on and on and on. Here and there coming to close to the edge.

Rarely: an oasis of healing. A moment of clarity. And rest.

Then, again, the ideal looms above. Shining, beautiful, awful, glorious. Onwards and onwards he strives towards it.

This is so strange. What are we doing? Where are we going exactly....?
...but I listen to it the next day and I wonder what in the world I was thinking. It's awful!