It begins innocently enough. One must show they're well adapted for this world. You must smile. If you don't, people think you might be a threat to them and will respond with hostility. If you have a minority belief you really better be showing how happy you are, as a critical eye is really turned upon you then.
The relatively stupid and immoral go about their way causing harm, you dare to point it out, "can't you be a little bit nicer?" They respond by attacking you of course. And in their eyes what's the ultimate proof that they're right? Proving that they're happier then you.
And so, we live in a world today where almost no one will honestly express whatever unhappiness they may feel. Where everyone goes around with a shit eating grin plastered to their face. And they do actually manage to actually feel some happiness as a result. A happiness based on simply ignoring almost everything.
It is truly an idiot world.
But you know, oh well oi vey...
I think I really like that last song actually... (70) (It inspired this post.)'s not even really that the vocals are that bad, they could work..., but that 98% of the vocals that aren't heard are so awful and it's just a fatigue of failure, failure, failure till I'm so disgusted and in such a bad mood that I want nothing whatsoever to do with music. OTOH the song before literally took 5 minutes total to write and was fun and straight expression, a pure example of how the process should be. It shouldn't be 6 hours and just endless wincing in horror, just randomly spraying filth on the walls and then slicing out a few tiny pieces that maybe aren't quite so awful? Maybe? But any ability to judge is out the window after listening to so much awful crap.
And it's not good to just keep coming back refreshed later on, as the continuity is then gone, the original feeling one has to keep trying to find again, there is a fatigue in trying to manage that over and over again also.
There is a battle which goes on in the mind against the very concept of failure. Too much failure and you don't go on eventually. For me there's so much failure with vocals that it's really iffy stuff.