Thursday, June 25, 2009

I think I love work. People seem so good there.

Then on the other hand, I look in other places and people appear so awful.

I think it's because people are good as long as there's no danger in being good. But as soon as one thinks acting 'morally' might result in getting attacked, the good people get real scarce.

It does seem though that in order to take morality any distance at all, it means being strong enough to continue being moral despite getting attacked.

But in reality too much morality results in such people being less likely to successfully reproduce.

For example, if you thought christianity was resulting in people being treated badly, etc, and spoke out about it, there were a lot of times in history where they killed you. If you spoke out against the Nazis while living in Germany, you very well could have died.

Whenever you're in the minority, if you point out that the leaders, the people who are primarily establishing social norms, are wrong in some way, they're going to see you as a threat to their rule and possibly kill you. That's how it's been for humankind for all of history. Being 'moral', acting 'altruistically', was only acceptable provided it didn't go against the men with the power.

...And so, I love the people I work with at the hospital. Such essentially good people. I love going to work. Then I look... elsewhere. My god, such indifference as far as the eye can see. (And that's a long damm way thanks to the internet.) But it's no wonder at all that almost no one speaks out against the immoral actions of those with power. Throughout mankind's history doing so has almost always meant dying. And through killing such people, humans today are generally a lot more selfish and stupid then they'd otherwise be.

It is a sort of genocide.


Still I love work. What a wonderful place. I hope to work as a nurse for decades. Even if I finally get that trust fund my stepfather first said I'd get then strangely denied having said (haha), still think I'd have to continue working there at least a few days a week. Just such a positive place. (Even with constantly being over worked and basically no patient ever truly getting quite the quality of care they should get.) Still, the work is so positive. The people are good.

And it's a damm good thing I love work because outside of work I keep not turning away from such ugly truths and it's tough to stand.