Monday, June 29, 2009

I don't want to fight too much for gay rights because then people will think I'm gay. And I'm not!

I don't want to vocally condemn the TV show To Catch A Predator because then people will suspect I'm a pedophile.

I don't want to give some defense of 'stalking' because then people will think that in order to have such insight I must be a stalker.

I didn't protest the Iraqi War too loud because the sort of people who supported it are the sorts who'd not hesitate to destroy the lives of those who disagreed.

I'm afraid to not follow social norms even though I recognize them to be essentially harmful, negative things. I'm afraid to nonconform in any way whatsoever because I know that the assumption is not that I've recognized the standard way is wrong but instead that I'm too mentally deranged to properly conform.

I'm afraid to point out that basically everyone is hiding their unhappiness and being fake because then people assume I must be just horribly, clinically depressed, when I'm really not. The reality is that I know, I KNOW, that roughly half of people are wobbling along on a high wire barely managing to survive only through simply ignoring 80% of reality.

Personally though, I'm a winner. I'm happy. (Buddy Jesus pic as below again right here.) I'm a manly man. Not the slightest bit gay. No perverse sexual interests. Not even a foot fetish. When people wrong me I just immediately move on without ever thinking about it further because I'm a winner! (not a stalker, (not a person with a strong sense of morals)) I just didn't really protest the Iraq War or anything else similar because I knew it was a waste of time, not because I've been sufficiently intimidated into silence. I can follow the social norms like an effing ken doll no prob and again, I'm happy, happy! If I weren't, that would mean I'm wrong. And I'm not wrong, I'm right.

I am controlled oh so well.