Saturday, June 13, 2009

I think most of the left spends too much time talking about anti-gay bashing and racism. I think both are the result of focusing on symptoms instead of getting to the heart of the problem. They are both like just giving aspirin to someone with a fever who's got a bacterial infection and really needs antibiotics.

Then otherwise we have many going on like a broken record pointing out the corruptions of our current system. Yes, it's been corrupt right since the beginning and hasn't changed. How many centuries before we go ahead and try to come up with some new solutions then?

I think I don't really know of anyone at all on the left who is sufficiently radical; anyone who is getting down to the underlying fundamental problems.

It's the same stuff over and over again. Pet causes of changing the economic system. Saying racism is bad loud enough over and over that people start listening? Same old stuff but when it comes to how even members of the far left interact with one another? Why they're perfectly conformed to the status quo.

And perhaps in part this is because these activist minorities feel like they have to show that essentially they are perfectly 'normal;' to try to prove that they shouldn't just be dismissed as weirdoes.

This isn't to say that I frown on pointing out racism is bad and that it's occuring, and pointing out corruption and imperialism, etc, just that I'm really getting tired of people being too afraid to take the next damm step and looking at the fundamental ways in which we interact; questioning if on the most fundamental levels we need to make some changes.