Sunday, June 14, 2009

k-punk: Fans, Vampires and Trolls

Too short on time lately.

The top link... I think I disagree... sort of kind of... Oh I don't know. I do think there is something "mystical" in the writing process just in the sense that the unknown is mystical and the unknown is our subconscious and our idea of an audience is residing to some extent in our subconscious... our imaginary eyes... At least I think so...

The second post is (or I can just say it is anyway) a counter to the feeling that the audience has gone all wrong and is ruining the writing.

It's such a complex process though. Layers and shmayers...Lately things seem to have gone awry a bit and I can't figure out why exactly. Too happy at work? While still having a final chop chop off in the distance (and too busy at work) to find time to think it out. A few people linked my blog. Did that play a role? But already felt "reticent" before then. Just too busy I guess. I always procrastinated wonderfully when in school. Was thinking maybe the perfect way to write would be to take college classes forever with no intention of actually passing them and instead taking in a laptop, sitting in the far back and just writing. (With the necessary pretense (to myself) of attempting to pay attention, which generally has always been impossible to do, to actually listen to anyone talk on and on for 50 or more minutes.)

No time...