Thursday, December 4, 2008
"Resveratrol works as a biological survival mechanism that switches the body’s resources from fertility to tissue maintenance by activating protein agents known in people as sirtuins. Therefore, life is prolonged since it reduces at the same time degenerative diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer’s."

It prolongs life by taking resources from fertility. Same with veganism. Vegan women hit menarche later and menopause earlier, while living longer.

Meat tells the body that the situation isn't good. You've been reduced to frequent murder to stop from starving. The world must be an ugly place and life must be generally short and brutal. So better reproduce quick to make sure the genes survive.

And so sex, the more you want it, the more you're into it, is about death. The sex crazed individual is a creature of death. The sex crazed individual is usually relatively stupid and makes up for it's stupidity with a lot more sex.

And the idea of having thoughts which trigger emotions is bizarre, logically speaking. Emotions are bizarre period. All of them. But the most bizarre of all are the sex "emotions".

And we've driven things to greater extremes by making it that which is hidden. Why? Because otherwise we're too smart to bother enough with sex???