Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pets. The god of the gaps. Magic = God.

Of that which we don't understand some of us say 'god did it.' Of that which we don't understand or just don't know we like to think it magic. Of that which is hidden we are free to let imagination run wild and we think about vague yet fantastic notions. (Love at first sight/infatuation.) (Clothes improving sex.) (The dark is better.)

If pets could speak well, really well express themselves, I just don't think we'd like them as much, no matter how sweet... even potentially interesting they might show themselves to be. As it is, even though they do express themselves and manage to communicate to an extent, there is an unknown element within which we put magic. That which is hidden is fascinating. My cats looks at me. There are emotions going on. But what really are they thinking at any moment? The one often looks like it's thinking 'f u'. The other that it loves me. But who totally knows what's going on within them? The unknown is magical.

We are constantly believing in and then forgetting gods/magic. Sometimes with anger, sometimes with crying, sometimes with enjoying a piece of art, especially music. Sometimes with respect to liking or finding another person attractive. Etc.

We do this without really understanding what is going on within us. We can be the most strident atheist; whom logically ridicules god/s and belief in magic while still constantly doing such things.