Thursday, April 9, 2009

The problem with politics is that if you're outside of the extremely narrow boundaries of allowable opinion, you just don't even count. If you're getting all your information from the mainstream media you probably won't be outside of this narrow range. But if you are outside then nothing you do is going to change anything. All your political actions are pretty much futile.

You're not going to stop any wars. You're not going to stop international monetary fund structural adjustment loans. You're not going to cause a socialist democratic revolution. You're not going to cause a restructuring of our mainstream media. It will continue to be owned by billionaires who will in turn decide what the vast majority of people are going to think.

One thing that's nice about Edward's Free to be Human is that he takes what was to me basically a political thing (Herman and Chomsky's media propaganda model) and suggests a way that any two people who recognize it's existence should be able to just in how they interact with one another, perhaps make some positive differences.


It's too abstract though.
Dreaming of fame. Sadly I feel more creative when I do this. Although rarely do it anymore. To dream of fame is like dreaming of being the/an alpha male. It's unfortunate to realize how much of creativity can be tied into such things. I think. I guess. But if one truly took away all such crude absurdities, would there be anything left?

There is perhaps some other way of looking at it. Fame doesn't necessarily equal alpha male ape at all. My thinking has been too crude. It could equal having the power to make positive change for example. Failure after failure. Not thinking well. Recognizing how haphazard my process is.
Ate a huge meal. Haven't fasted last few weeks because it was problematic with two hours runs.
Need to not forget to write about issue of stalking. What percentage of stalkees bear some responsibility? (Which isn't to say the futile activity of stalking someone is justified.) How come all I ever hear is stalkers demonized, said to be mentally ill, etc and no one ever speaks up to say that the situation can be more complex? Surely people realize it can be more complex. I think people are afraid that they'll be suspected of being a stalker themselves if they attempt to add any complexities to the issue. So instead they conform and shut up.