Saturday, January 24, 2009

Interesting division of women

1.1 Queen/Mother
1.2 Inquisitive Nurturing Princess (child form)
1.3 Martyr (active shadow form) (can never feel sufficiently reimbursed)
1.4 Manipulator (active shadow's child form)
1.5 Saboteur (passive shadow form) (too selfish to sacrifice thus must constantly prove that subjects aren't really worthy)
1.6 Damsel in Distress (passive shadow's child form) (clueless/helpless)

2.1 Hetaira
2.2 Electra child (child form)
2.3 Femme Fatal (active shadow form) (replaces goddess of wisdom with having personal power over the male; greatest joy found in getting him to compromise valid principles to be with her)
2.4 Seductress (active shadow's child form) (power over men)
2.5 Prostitute (passive shadow form) (power over men)
2.6 Daddy's Little Princess (passive shadow's child form) (clueless/hopeless)

3.1 Amazon (competitor)
3.2 Adventurer/Heroin (child form)
3.3 Bitch (active shadow form) (competitor who's angry at men)
3.4 Defiant Rebel (active shadow's child form) (the rules of the game are unfair)
3.5 Victim (passive shadow form) (the rules are unfair and has given up competing)
3.6 Wounded Child (passive shadow's child form) (not competing and unhappy about it)

4.1 Medial (spiritual)
4.2 Artist (child form)
4.3 Fortune Teller (active shadow form) (a seeker not a conduit, HMMMM)
4.4 The Gossip (active shadow's child form) (more "art" done the wrong way...)
4.5 The Innocent (passive shadow form) (forced into silence)
4.6 Orphan (passive shadow's child form) (same, abandons connection to inner world)

So many shadows... I hate slapping dismissive labels on people.