Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mr. Emphryio you have what is called the sensitive artistic temperment. In ways not true and all in all you're probably no more or less sensitive than the average person but that's just what we call it. But your issues with insomnia show it clearly. You have to mimic exercise forms such as what your ancestors have been doing for tens of thousands of years lest you'll find yourself unable to sleep and increasingly unable to stand 14 hour workdays on no rest at all. You can't do a standard strength training routine as is popular these days. The weights are too heavy. It doesn't correctly mimic what your ancestors did. Such lifting to the edge of eccentric failure sends a message to your brain that something is wrong! And your brain won't let you sleep, because something is wrong! You have to use much higher reps and keep it light. Explosive lifting is fine though and much like olympic lifters still get plenty strong without ever doing dead lifts, so you can manage to exercise without insomnia while hardly turning into a weakling.

See with lighter higher reps you immediately can sleep; you can even eat chocolate right before bed. The endless nightmares are another issue though.