Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No Exit

Supposedly the best fiction Sartre wrote. From which came the phrase, "Hell is other people." If it had been me I would have chucked it. Which isn't to say it's bad. Mostly an unfortunate comment about me.

Inez is tortured through feeling rejected by Estelle and is also jealous of Estelle and Garcin getting it on.
Garcin is tortured about whether he was a coward in his life with plenty of help from Inez.
Estelle is tortured mainly in that she can't manage to get it on with Garcin for a combination of reasons: Garcin not really thinking much at all of her, Inez doing everything she can to stop them, etc.

It's very unreal. Very kitsch. But then plays seem to always be that way. And really any fiction writing it seems that's readable to me ultimately seems kitsch, or ...unreal. That seems to be crucial. The vulgar truth is just no good. One must lie...

I was forced to act just a little in a play in high school and my god I couldn't stand it. It was literally screaming inside at the kitschness of it. The few plays I've gone to see I could barely stand to sit in the audience.

Also I can't stand to watch romantic comedies where lies pile on. I have some kind of honesty conditioning... It's like A Clockwork Orange, him being tortured/forced to watch things he can't stand anymore...

But the word kitsch. Unreal and kitsch aren't the same exact thing. Words are so annoying. Nothing I say is really true. Which, again, drives me just a little nutty. Just a little.