Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"8 pm, I'm probably crashed by then! Sorrrrry!"

Step one to becoming an angel is refusing to believe in the existence of devils.
Find them when they are at their lowest points; at their most vulnerable. When they most need a friend and appear at first to be that friend. Then-wait till the moment is right-and make fun of them, laugh at their pain, and dismiss them to die.
You can't believe in their existence because what if even once you are wrong? What if even once you mark a human as a devil? We cannot allow this to happen and thus the devils are free to torture us. We've no defenses at all.
Step two is total honesty. Always used against you. Always believing in the other. Believing that they're worthwhile. That they value the truth. That they won't just hate you and attack you. Step two is believing we are something more than animals.