Kevin Oglivie/Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy's album Devil in my Details from 'Ohgr' would be a good album I think but the mixing is bad. I have to turn the treble all the way up in my car to adequately hear the vocals which are just too low. It otherwise has some neat stuff going on. Good songs, etc. But if not for turning the treble all the way up, it's not something I really want to listen to. With the treble all the way up, maybe. But still the vocals are too far down in the mix.
Comical to me that they could do so many things well and then mess up something so simple.
Then there are the two most recent Skinny Puppy albums. They were awful compared to the old stuff. It's interesting to me to try to understand what went wrong. Greater Wrong of the Right for one thing is extremely overcompressed. And so then the parts that need to hit you just don't. It's instead this endless wall of noise that kills the ears.
Same with Ohgr's Devil in my Details. To get the vocals loud enough I'm really hurting my ears with the drums, tubas, etc.
I've barely listened to MythMaker. Just a little on Myspace and seemed to be more of the same. Heard bad things about it.
Ridiculous to think that it might just be primarily bad mixing. But to an extent it seems to be.