Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I remember falling in love. Needing love to survive in this world. And of course choosing a demon to fall in love with. Repeatedly.

There are such people and there are those who don't need love because they like the world just fine. And then there are those who needed it and repeatedly fell in love with demons and finally learned to ridicule love.

Salvatore's Drizzt is basically asexual. What if that weren't the case? It would be more realistic if while stuck in Menzoberranzan, in desperation, he tried to find some female drow to love. In the book there isn't a single drow that is worthy of his love, but, still, I think in desperation he would still try, and would thus fall in love over and over with demonic women.

Or there could be someone he sees from afar who appears worthy, but he can never quite reach her. Endless such loves always safely off in the distance.