Saturday, July 18, 2009

Was thinking I want to write music where I, the composer, can later listen to it and easily lose any sense of where in the song I'm at. So, it's not like being cursed with the knowledge of the exact day and manner of your death without being able to do anything about it... (cept live improvisation of course.)

So to accomplish this I think the track should be quite long. But, it would seem it must also be pretty repetitive. Or I should say the changes are very gradual and slight. ?? Minute 9 is different than minute 2 but it's hard to say how...

Ways to do this:
-Low frequency oscillators gradually changing aspect of sounds. The filters on them, etc. (I need better technical know how. Most synths don't do such things very well, if at all.)
-Tons of stuff happening at once. Too much for the conscious mind to keep up with. Happening too fast, etc to very well grasp all the minute changes. (Problem is tons of tracks with a long song is tough for my computer to handle.)
-Lots of noises that are just slightly different. (Problem is tons of tracks combined with a long song is tough for my computer to handle.)
-Just not think while listening to music. (Much easier to do if it's just not my music. Which brings up the problem of not being able to assess my music compared to others. But who cares? I shouldn't but occasionally really wonder, then really wish other people would occasionally comment, then remember so many good reasons they don't, then repeat the cycle.)
-Make very long songs. (Much harder for my computer to handle).

Even this song which was a sad attempt, gave my computer serious trouble.