In the Force versus Reason divide, Shame is definitely on the side of Force.
On the Side of Force when people are wrong we Punish them to make them so full of Fear they'll avoid being wrong in the future. The feeling of Shame is what we feel when we Punish ourselves. (Or perhaps what we feel while we await the punishment we expect. Shame is a sort of wincing as we await the blow that we expect to fall.)
Shame can be carried all the way to suicide. In fact it is perhaps an essential component of most suicides.
Whenever anyone ever feels shame they should try to remember it's part of the violent monkey World of Force and dismiss it from their minds.
On the side of Reason, of course we all make mistakes. We constantly make mistakes. In fact our every moment is always to some extent a mistake. We are never acting perfectly. Life is constant failure. And should be a constant process of recognizing failures and continously improving.
But because instead we're in the Force World we can't stand to think that we're constantly failing. All that failing would mean constant punishment. It would mean a sort of mental equivalent of constant wincing waiting to be 'hit' which is the equivalent of punishing ourselves (Shame.)
Rather than do that we for the most part instead become uncritical of ourselves. We become Closeminded.