Saturday, July 11, 2009

Once I had a teacher who told a short story of how when he was a student he once sharpened his pencil and then the kid next to him bent over while seated at his desk. The back of his shirt rode up at this moment exposing his lower back and my former teacher on a sudden demonic whim launched his pencil at his exposed back. The sharp point of the pencil landed perfectly right in his lower spine, stuck and the kid began screaming.

LOL, such absurdity. Such pain caused for no real reason at all. What would be more ridiculous than that?

How about some really smart philsophical type person spending decades ruminating on a bunch of actions that are the equivalent of that? In effect pondering and pondering, attempting to understand the thought processes of the kid who threw the sharp pencil. Absurdity cubed.

You could call it projection. I can't quite call it anthropomorphisizing. Not quite anyway. Mr. Smarty Pants Philosopher just can't quite comprehend a vacuum.