Monday, July 27, 2009
...I labeled this 'free jazz' because I don't really know anything about genres.
...William Golding is a helluva a guy but, if I were him I never would have bothered to write a book. I mean, even if I knew the end result was a nobel prize in literature plus the fact he was talking so much about the sorts of things I care so much about in a manner that usually gets labeled preachy... still, this song seems more worthwhile to me. Which, what does that mean?
The people around me have no real value of knowledge. Books, learning, they don't matter. In my real world I don't know anyone at all who gives a flying whoop about William Golding. I think I've been influenced to some extent by the people I've been around. Perhaps if I'd been born at... the Great Party as some relatively wonderful person recently typed... born around people who cared about such stuff, sat around and talked about it, etc. Drank cappuchinos while they blogged at Starbucks or whatever. As things are though it would require an amazing bit of creativity for me to become a writer.
Not in the creating the writing, but in creating/pretending I lived in a world where people actually cared about such stuff.
Oh yes, that was the point of this blog. Imaginary eyes that actually give a damm.
Hmmm, article of faith number two...